Veronica Ornelas
Ms. Ornelas
This is my 18th year as a Library Aide and most of my years have been here at First Street Elementary! I enjoy what I do and love to learn something new every day!
If you have any questions feel free to contact me at my email [email protected]
My name is Ms. Ornelas and I am the Library Aide at First Street Elementary. My goal is to equip and inspire everyone to enjoy reading! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me!
You can start searching for your next book on LAUSD Destiny through Schoology!
What to do if you cannot find your library book
Do not panic! We all misplace items from time to time. Tell Ms. Ornelas so that if someone at school finds it and returns it, she can let you know. Next, look in all the places where you think it could be found. Do not forget to look in your desk, classroom, house, car and under your bed. If you do not return the book within a few weeks then I will send out a note asking for the book or payment.